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52 Day Business Apprenticeship
Course Introduction
Platform Induction
Meet Your Instructor
Elephant & Co's Teaching Team
Program Outline
Getting Started
Welcome (1:41)
The Future (Article)
Goal Setting
Goal Setting (Watch) (6:00)
Goal Setting (Activity)
E4 Theory: What is Elephant & Co all about?
Welcome (eBook)
E1: Thinking (Watch) (5:30)
E2: Leadership (Watch) (11:24)
E3: Innovation (Watch) (11:30)
E4: Growth
10x Land: The power of growing your business by 10! (eBook)
Goal Setting: Touch Point
Module Review
Module 3: Thinking
What is thinking? (Watch/Activity) (5:32)
History of Thinking (Watch/Activity) (8:49)
Do schools kill creativity? (Watch) (20:03)
Thinking vs Thoughting (Article)
Thinking vs Thoughting (Watch/Activity) (7:33)
Thinking Project: 10 Key Voices
How do we change our thinking so that we can grow?
Defend2Escape (Tool)
D2E (Activity)
The Good, The Bad, The Better
GBB (Activity)
Why 10? (Watch) (0:55)
Module in Review
Module 4: Leadership
Welcome (1:56)
The 5 Most Important Laws of Leadership (eBook)
How do people learn? (Article)
Learning Pyramid (Watch) (1:52)
Leadership (Activity)
Empowering your team (Activity)
Why is C2C important? (Watch/Activity)
How to lead the change (Article)
UI2UC (Activity)
Practice, Rehearsal, Repetition (Watch) (2:44)
Leadership Module: Checkpoint
Power of Why!
The Golden Circles (Watch) (18:34)
Why, How, What (Activity)
The Power of Storytelling (eBook)
Create your story! (Activity)
Storytelling Challange
Sense Making (Article) (2:08)
How do you sense make (Activity)
Module in Review
Module 5: Innovation
What is Innovation
Innovation and your business (Watch/Activity) (2:03)
Types of Innovation (Article)
Innovation Project: 'Your Business Innovation Strategy'
D2E in your Industry (Activity)
How do you begin to Innovate?
10 Possible Futures (Tool)
Buck a Day: 'BAD' (Tool) (1:42)
Innovation Tools in Action: Case Study (Watch) (3:58)
10PF and B.A.D (Activity)
Innovation Module: Checkpoint
Analogue 2 Digital: A2D
Business Lifecycle (2:47)
Innovation Culture (1:58)
What are the conditions you need to create? (Activity)
Module in Review
Bonus Lesson: How to fund your Innovation!
Module 6: Growth
Back to Basics: Customer Service
WOMBATS (Activity)
Buyer 2 Seller Relationship
Who is your customer (Activity)
Current Value 2 Potential Value: CV2PV (Watch) (10:43)
CV2PV (Activity)
Check 2 Checkmate (Tool/Watch) (6:20)
The 7P's (2:21)
What are your 7P's (Activity)
Sales Pitch (Activity)
Module in Review
Course Summary
Bringing E4 Together (9:31)
Goal Reflection
How do you begin to Innovate?
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